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Where can Blockchain Technology Fit in the Assessment Industry

This blog post serves as a follow-up to the recent webinar hosted by Brian Smith, Industry and Product Manager from the Assessment Division at Esri Canada.

With over a decade of experience in this field, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of innovative solutions. Today, I'll delve into the world of blockchain, its various forms, and how it can revolutionize the assessment industry. 

Understanding Blockchain: 

Blockchain technology, though still in its nascent stages, holds immense promise. At its core, blockchain is a decentralized and distributed public ledger, recording transactions, and saving copies of that ledger across any unlimited number of computers (nodes). This immutable ledger ensures transparency and security, making it an ideal solution for various industries, including assessments. 

Types of Blockchains: 

There are four different types of Blockchains that exist with each having similar traits although having different use cases.  

1. Public Blockchain: Open to all, this permissionless system allows anyone to participate and validate transactions. It's akin to a digital democracy, where every participant has equal rights. Public blockchains can revolutionize processes like voting and fundraising, ensuring transparency and integrity. 

2. Private Blockchain: Restricted to authorized participants, a private blockchain offers faster transaction speeds and enhanced privacy. Ideal for organizations requiring controlled access to data, it facilitates efficient workflows without compromising security. 

3. Consortium Blockchain: Managed by multiple organizations, a consortium blockchain combines the benefits of both public and private blockchains. It's semi-centralized, offering shared control while maintaining integrity and security. 

4. Hybrid Blockchain: Blending elements of both public and private blockchains, a hybrid blockchain offers flexibility and scalability. It allows organizations to keep sensitive data private while leveraging the transparency of a public ledger. 

A graphic mentioning the types of blockchains

Smart Contracts: 

The last critical piece about this new technology is the use of smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with predefined conditions written in code. These automated agreements streamline processes by eliminating intermediaries and ensuring trustless transactions. These smart contracts that come with blockchain technology, could revolutionize how properties are bought and sold in this digital future.  

Real-World Applications

Governments worldwide are embracing blockchain technology to enhance efficiency and transparency. Countries like Estonia have digitized government infrastructure, while others, like the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Georgia, leverage smart contracts to streamline processes and reduce bureaucracy. 

Blockchain in the Assessment Industry: 

The assessment industry stands to benefit significantly from blockchain technology. By adopting a hybrid blockchain approach some possibilities in the new world are: 

1. Property history 

  • Have full history about the property located on the blockchain which provides an accurate representation of the current and historical records that are easily accessible for more robust valuations.  

2. Real-time property valuations 

  • With all the historical records located in one source and the new data already validated, this could lead to real-time property valuations. This could open different revenue streams for assessment organizations with having the most up to data property data information.  

3. Crowdsourced valuation data 

  • Leverage the power of the community to update and validate property data for each parcel through the use blockchain technology. Any change to a property could be applied to the blockchain for that property and then validated by the community that the changes represent the property. This would ensure that the data is constantly maintained and updated form the owner or the community.  

A picture of a house

Overcoming Challenges: 

While the potential of blockchain in assessments is undeniable, regulatory hurdles and technological integration pose challenges. Government support, coupled with comprehensive regulations addressing privacy and data security, is crucial for widespread adoption. 

Looking Ahead: 

As we navigate the complexities of integrating blockchain into the assessment industry, collaboration and education are paramount. By harnessing the transformative power of blockchain technology, we can drive innovation, improve efficiencies, and create a more transparent and equitable assessment ecosystem. 

A graphic showcasing how property owners, general public and contractors can collaborate through Assessment Analyst GAMA.


Blockchain technology holds immense promise for revolutionizing the assessment industry. By embracing innovation and collaboration, we can overcome challenges and unlock the full potential of blockchain in assessments. Together, let's embark on this transformative journey towards a more efficient, transparent and equitable future. You can also check Esri Canada's Assessment Analyst® GAMA delivering advanced GIS-based property assessment software and professional services worldwide, enabling fair and equitable assessments through geo-enabled property data. If you have any questions pertaining to this blog post, feel free to reach out to me at

About the Author

Brian Smith is the Industry and Product Manager with the Assessment Analyst team at Esri Canada. Brian leverages his 15 years of appraisal experience to ensure that the products built by the team meet the needs of assessment professionals around the world. Brian's role includes ensuring that the team's products capitalize on the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, GIS and other disruptive and innovative technologies emerging in the marketplace.

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